Saturday, December 13, 2008

Florida Keys

Hi Everyone .......from all aboard the "BAY"
We are currently enjoying some time around the Key Biscayne area ,No Name Harbour has been our home on and off over the past couple of weeks as we have sailed around the Biscayne Bay area.We have met some lovely cruising families ,so Jake and Anastasia have had some company too at long last!
The days rip past us ,from listening to weather reports and looking for weather "windows" to hop across the Gulfstream,to filling our water tanks or gen set routines to keep it all alive,home schooling the kids ,then watching the sun go down with some fellow cruisers ........enhanced with a couple of drinks of course!!Copped a bit of a flogging today crossing the bay ,we had too much sail up and .....cut a long story short ....I stuffed up ,and we lost our steaming light to the briny.Nothing $50 and a climb up the mast won't fix.

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